Chocolate Walnut Fudge Cookies
Post-holiday blues got you down? Need a pick me up? Here’s something that’ll lift your spirits: chocolate is healthy. That’s right. Let...

6 Ingredient / 5 Minute Crepes
Seemingly sophisticated. Deceptively simple. While these crepes contain brain-boosting ingredients, its nutrient-dense potential lies in...

HOLIDAY EDITION: Cinnamon Pecan Sweet Potatoes
This holiday, skip the obligatory traditional dishes. "I can't wait for the cranberry sauce" is a rare remark. Yet year after year, like...

Vanilla & Chocolate Macaroons
A brief history of macaroons, in 3 bullet points: Macaroons can trace their origins back to a Venetian monastery in the 8th century. Back...

Blackberry Walnut Bread Pudding Cake
From its humble roots - originating as a thrifty recipe to use up leftover stale bread - the once-plebeian bread pudding has since...